Aumed, a.s., Komořanská 326/63, 143 14 Praha - Modřany, Česká republika

+420 603 587 701 English

Aumed Pharma a.s. launches new food supplement Gut Guard

Our subsidiary Aumed Pharma a.s. launches food supplement Gut Guard. Gut Guard probiotics contain a combination of 13 vital probiotic cultures at a dose of 10 billion per capsule. The symbiotic effect is enhanced by a cocktail of prebiotic soluble fibers.

Gut Guard represents everything you need for proper function and restoration of intestinal microflora in one capsule. Our probiotics have been carefully formulated to prevent or recover from bacterial or yeast infections in various parts of the body including: atopic eczema, acne and other skin problems, recurrent urinary tract infections and nausea associated with antibiotic treatment.

The use of probiotics is natural for our body, because they contain so-called “friendly” bacteria that are normally found in the intestines. To heal the intestinal microbiome, it is necessary to take probiotics for a sufficiently long time and regularly. The usual period of use is 3 weeks to one month. For overall recovery however, it is also necessary to include a varied and balanced diet, to limit stressful environments and to use medicines judiciously (especially antibiotics).

You can find more information on the website of Aumed Pharma. (


AUMED, a.s. has received permission for a clinical trial, phase III, of the medicinal product TFI

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Based on the submitted application and the supplied documents, the State Institute for Drug Control (Czech Republic) has authorized a…

AUMED, a.s. successfully completed a clinical trial, phase I, of the medicinal product TFI

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AUMED, a.s. presented current research at the 45th ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine

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AUMED representatives participated in the 45th ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine held in Brisbane, Australia. At the congress, AUMED…

Research projects of Aumed, a.s. are financed by the European Structural Funds and with financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Industry and Trade. A complete list of all ongoing and completed projects with this support can be found here.

European Union
European Regional Development Fund
OP Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness

Tel.: +420 603 587 701
Komořanská 326/63, 143 14 Praha - Modřany, Česká republika
(c) 2017, Aumed a.s